When using it as a WiFi shield, you communicate with it using AT-command, and by default the ESP-01 shipped with At-command firmware. Use it as a stand-alone MCU like an Arduino.

There are generally two different ways of using ESP-01: Over the past a couple of months, out of necessity for one of my project, I was forced to spent some time to figure out a better way to use ESP-01 as a WiFi shield. Without having a zombie in front of me, I'm at a loss to go a lot further as my 'scope leads aren't that long.I like the low price of ESP-01, but I don't quite like to use it in my project because its design always make me feel like that I'm dealing with an unfinished product. The current spikes as the ESP is booting will cause many switching supplies to drop below 2V briefly, and the ESP goes insane. If you have a separate 3.3V supply, I'd be suspicious of the supply. If you're powering it from that USB programmer board, it should work. I looked closer and didn't see the pull-up resistors. Also, on sober reflection the Inland package I bought said ESP-01S, and it's actually an ESP-01 (false advertising). The ESP8266 Arduino core has supported Puya for a while now. Half the time the pics are only 'representative examples' of what they ship. I have 8 different types of boards and modules, and all come out of Deep Sleep correctly.Įdit: If the pic at Ali is correct, the Puya Flash shouldn't be causing an issue, presuming it's real and not a clone. I have plenty of Winbond flash in case I find a board that goes zombie, and can prove or disprove my theory. I believe it's the Flash chip, but we haven't proven that yet. I didn't see any ESP-01 boards from Inland at my local computer store, only ESP-01S, and that one works with Deep Sleep just fine. I'd bet you got your boards in blister packs from Inland. There's someone else here with ESP-01 boards with the same issue. What sasso is describing is classic Deep Sleep Zombie mode.
The line that is printed in the fauly cases does indeed say it is booting in the right mode, but still the code does not run, nor mine nor the one that runs before mine This issue persists across all the esp 01 boards i own, and i have tried pulling UP and DOWN almost every combination of pins recommended. After another reset, it successfully runs it's code. It only prints this ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)Īnd then hangs there.
On a successful wake up, the serial output looks like this: ets Jan 8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)Īfter the first reset, the board does indeed wake up, but it does not run it's code. I have not been able to just wake the board and run the code like most examples on the web intend to work, so I suppose the problem is not with this code. digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH) // Turn the LED off (gpio high= off)ĮSP.deepSleep(2000000, WAKE_RF_DEFAULT ) pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT) // Initialize the LED_BUILTIN pin as an output The boards do wake up and print some text automatically, but they do not run their firmware/code. When using the deep sleep functionality on several ESP-01 boards, the boards require two resets in order to wake up properly (regardless of whether the resets are done by manually bridging the rst pin or by soldering a wire to do it from an interrupt).